" Without Christian families, there is no church.” said Bishop Sabino.
"Without Christian families, there is no church. '' Rt.Rev.Sabino Ocan Odoki, made the remarks during matrimonial weddings of Mr. Modesto Batrega and Polina Asindru Terego, Mr.Justo Abenabo and Rose Obiru all of Terego District.
During the celebration a total of 200 young Christians received the Sacrament of confirmation.
In his Homily, the Bishop dwelt on how synodality of the Catholic Church should be practiced while pointing out the three important words that the Holy Father Pope Francis has called for as the Universal Church embarks on the Synodal Journey.
In May 2021, Pope Francis invited the global Catholic Church to gather and reflect on communion, participation, and mission within the Church. The two-year process of listening and dialogue is themed, For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, & Mission being referred to as the “synod on synodality,” which the Holy Father officially opened with Mass at Saint Peter’s Basilica on October 10, dioceses throughout the world began the next phase of the synod which includes consultation and dialogue at the diocesan level. Using a preparatory document and questionnaire to guide the discussion from the Holy See’s synod office, this phase runs through April 2022.
"We are in a time when the church is celebrating many events, the Holy Father is always speaking to us, the Holy Father has also brought for us a Synod. Which is very important for our time. The Synod on Synodality. The word Synod means on the way together. We human beings are all on the way, there is no body permanent. We come and we go. The Pope wants us that as we are in the world moving to go, we must move together.
The Pope gives us three important words. Encounter: We have to encounter one another , we are to encounter fellow human beings, we are to give whoever you encounter a chance in our lives. Listen: We are to listen to each other, we are to speak to each other, when we encounter, we must speak, share and have a dialogue with one another. Husbands and wives are to listen to one another, children and parents are to listen to one another, Clergy and lay faithfuls, priests and the religious are to listen to one another. The Pope said , you will be amazed to listen to what the other one is saying. Some will be beautiful experiences and some will be painful experiences. And it is good that we listen to all these. Each one has got a unique story. After you have listened to each other, of course you will find some challenges. And that takes us to the third level and that is discernment: that is finding the best way for you to go on with life, instead of rejecting yourself, instead of resigning , you look for the best way to carry yourself forward." Said the Bishop.
While Explaining the Synod, the Bishop advocated for all Parishes to have a Parish Pastoral council to open doors for dialogue. He noted that there must be committees for various associations and institutions where views can be discussed. In his discourse he strongly discouraged; one man-leadership saying that leadership must involve the participation of everybody.
He reminded the candidates for confirmation of the gift of the Holy Spirit that they were to receive urging them to pray to God to guide them in choosing a vocation that will support them in their lifetime. "After confirmation, you are fully initiated in the life of the church. You are to fully participate in the life of the church. Where there is a need for a leader, you must be one. Where there is need for a prayer leader or a servant you are to be one, where Christians are working to build a church you are to fully participate." Said the Bishop.