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Bishop Sabino joins Christians of Oriagini in Arua Diocese to celebrate the third Sunday of Easter. 23rd April 2023.

Bishop Sabino joins Christians of Oriangini in Arua Diocese to celebrate the third Sunday of Easter. 23rd April 2023.

In his homily, the Bishop shared a message of Hope to the faithful saying that having hope brings joy, love ,courage and the energy to accomplish our goals as Christians. The Bishop encouraged the Christians to always stay joyful and to remember that Christ came to restore their hope. He urged them to help one another to understand the plan of God for humanity so that they may be hopeful. During the mass a total of 214 children were confirmed into the catholic faith.

"Being without hope is death in oneself. When one has hope, one has a great future. Let us have hope because God has promised us an everlasting life. All our effort in life is for a greater purpose. From the gospel taken from Luke, 24:13-35, we see two of Jesus' disciples who had lost hope and were on their way to a town in Jerusalem, named Emmaus. When they saw that Jesus was crucified, they lost hope and thought that was the end. They knew he was the Messiah but when they saw this happen to Jesus they lost hope and were already on their way back to begin a new life. But Jesus accompanies them to Emmaus, they did not know that Jesus had joined them. This shows us that Jesus is always with us, even in our moments of doubt and confusion." Bishop Sabino Says.

"As they were journeying, Jesus explained to them what the prophet said that the Messiah has to die to redeem us and rise to the life of Glory. The disciples in the long run comprehended that Jesus possessed remarkable knowledge and perception, prompting them to invite Him to stay with them. Jesus accepted their invitation and joined them in their home.So we humans have to help one another to understand the plan of God for humanity so that they can have hope." Bishop Sabino Says

"While there, he took bread, said a blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. Then, their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him. Did they stay? They went back to tell the other disciples because they were filled with joy and hope. We should never forget that God is there to restore our hope even if things look very bad, losing hope is the worst choice you can make in life. Say God I know you are with me and I will Go through this." Bishop Sabino Says.

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