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2024 - World Refugee Day, Bidibidi Refugee Settlement - Arua Diocese.

Bishop Sabino Celebrates World Refugee Day at Bidibidi Refugee Settlement.

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Yumbe District - The Bishop of Arua Diocese, Rt. Rev. Sabino Ocan Odoki, today joined the refugees at Bidibidi Refugee Settlement in Yumbe District to celebrate World Refugee Day. During the special occasion, Bishop Sabino blessed and officiated the opening of a new Eucharistic Center dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at the settlement.The celebration was under the theme, "God Walks with His People," and was marked by the Holy Sacrament of the Mass, presided over by the Bishop.

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In his address, the Bishop encouraged the refugees to remain faithful to God, emphasizing that the support they are receiving from the host communities, the Church, the government bodies and NGO's, in health, education, livelihoods, food security and religious sectors is a clear sign that God had prepared for their needs even before they fled their countries. He warmly welcomed the refugees into Arua Diocese, urging them to feel at home while expressing gratitude to the various religious organizations, refugee agencies, ugandan goverment, local leaders, and the host communities for their tireless efforts and sacrifices in serving the refugees.

Bishop thanked Rev.Fr. Andrzej Marek Dzida, the pastoral coordinator at the settlement,, for inviting him to pray with the refugees and bless the newly dedicated church praising his in coordinating the works at the settlement. He also thanked the religious sisters , brothers and the catechist working together with Fr.Andrez at the settlement .

During the homily, He conveyed heartfelt greetings from the Holy Father, Pope Francis to the refugees while urging them to make the most of the opportunities for education and skills training provided by the government, the Church, and humanitarian organizations like UNHCR.

While addressing the youth, Bishop Sabino stressed the importance of guarding their health. "Take advantage of the health services available to you. What good will it be if you return home sick? Stay healthy. Idleness is dangerous, and an idle mind is the devil's workshop. Keep yourselves busy and avoid temptation. Use your time wisely." the Bishop urged.

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