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359 young Christians recieved Holy Sacrament of Confirmation.

Sacred Heart Odrabe Chapel, Oluko Catholic Parish elevated to a Eucharistic Center.

In a joyous occasion, Sacred Heart Odrabe Catholic Chapel in the teritory of St. Mary's Parish, Oluko in Arua Diocese celebrated a significant milestone with the elevation of the Chapel to the status of a Eucharistic Center. The ceremony, held on June 16 2024, saw the confirmation of upto 359 young Christians into the catholic faith in attendance of numerous clergy members, catechists, confirmants, and faithful Christians from the community.

Bishop Sabino who was the main celebrant at the occasion expressed his gratitude to all involved in making this achievement possible, particularly acknowledging the efforts of the Parish Priest, Rev.Fr.Philip Andreku, the support of his Curate, Fr. Standly Candia and the initiative of their Dean Rev.Fr. Romano, who nurtured the idea. He also extended appreciation to the dedicated catechists and parishioners whose contributions were integral to the realization of this endeavor.

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While addressing the congregation, Bishop Sabino emphasized the significance of this new status attained by the chapel, encouraging the Christian's living around the church to pay utmost reverence to the the Eucharistic Center. "From today onward, let us not just walk pass the church. Let us greet Jesus who reside in the Holy Eucharist present here with utmost respect whenever we pass by the Church." Bishop Sabino.

Bishop called upon Oluko parishioners to continue maintaining the physical beauty of the church as it is a reflection of their love for God. He also stressed the role of parents in nurturing their children's spiritual growth and discernment of vocations from a young age.

The bishop, while officiating the ceremony, outlined specific conditions for the supervision of the Eucharistic center. These conditions included the requirement for a duly prepared minister, strict adherence to regulations regarding the perpetually lit sanctuary lamp, and the acknowledgement of the significant responsibility entrusted to catechists. Additionally, the decree mandated the tabernacle, be securely constructed and prominently placed, adhering to Canon 938 paragraph 2.

Furthermore, Parish Priest is to ensure that the consecrated bread would be replenished adequately for communicants every two to three weeks at most.

In accordance with Canon 938 paragraph 5, one key to the tabernacle will be safeguarded at the parish center and the other entrusted to a catechist for safekeeping.

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