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Logiri Girls' School - School Day.

Logiri Girls' Secondary School Celebrates School Day with the Blessing of a New School Bus.

Arua Diocese - Holy Trinity Logiri Girls' Secondary School celebrated their annual School Day marked by the blessing of the school's newly acquired Isuzu bus and the Confirmation of students.

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The occasion was graced by the presence of the Bishop of Arua Diocese, Rt. Rev. Sabino Ocan Odoki, who officiated the ceremonies. During the event, Bishop Sabino bestowed his blessing upon the new school bus, an asset that will greatly reduce transportation challenges for the school in activities like sports trips, field trips, and study tours enhancing both academic and extracurricular engagement. Bishop in his homily encouraged spiritual growth alongside academic achievements amongst the students encouraging tthem to continue nurturing their faith and values as they pursue their education. Logiri Girls' Secondary School, located in Arua District in the West Nile Region was founded by the Uganda Catholic Church in 1993 and has since remained committed to the holistic development of young women, both spiritually and academically.

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