Resolutions and commitments of the 1st dialogue on peaceful co-existence in urban institutions for refugees and host communities held in christus center ediofe.
On 7th March 2024, Selected student leaders and refugee peace mentors gathered at Christus Center Ediofe to have a Dialogue on Peaceful Co-existence under the theme Peace Building, Mindset Change And Behaviour Change With Refugee Peace Mentors And Host Community Learning Institutions.
In attendance, we had refugee youth of diverse background from Imvepi and Rhino Camp settlements in addition to the urban refugee students in the institutions across west Nile and host youth.
Guided by the above theme: we reflected together during this Dialogue on Economic, Cultural, Political, social and Religious differences as a phenomenon existing in our Intuitions and Communities. We also recognized that such differences on our personal and community development, and how we as stakeholders and all the people in the region can co-exist.
The youth noted with concern issues to do with tribal conflicts, Land Disputes, Cultural Differences, injustice to the marginalized in the courts of the Law, religious conflicts and Violent Crimes.
We have attributed the Pervasive disunity in Area to factors such as widespread material poverty, cultural and moral decay, Drug abuse, week law enforcement systems, ignorance of human rights and duties, shallow faith, jealousy, corruption, lust for material wealth, fear for telling the truth, unforgiving hearts and many more.
- 1.Peace Education through Lessons in classes and workshops
- 2.Creation of Peace Clubs in our Institutions and communities to mediate in conflicts
- 3.Provision of psychological support to victims of violence
- 4.Promotion of Economic activities to enhance income and food security for households.
- 5.Partnering with the state, Non-Governmental Organization like, UN Agencies and partners, Cultural leaders, Religious, Academia and other stakeholders to promote developmental messages to the grassroots.
Conscious of our deep desire for peace as Greater West Nile Youth Forum in our institutions and communities in our
region, we are concerned that apart from underdevelopments, such differences if not well recognized and managed by
the different actors, they can foment senseless death, physiological trauma, disintegration of the family, institutions and communities, hatred, poverty street life and high rate of school dropout.
- 1.Cultivate a culture of peace in our individual lives, families, institutions and
communities become witnesses of peace by not harboring feelings that interrupt peace.
We shall use our energy for production and encourage Youth to be agents of peace.
2.Promote truth telling and seek nothing else but truth however painful it is.
- 3.Acknowledge what has happened and seek redress.
- 4.Use technology to promote values in humanity.
- 5.Embrace arbitration and mediation as peaceful means of solving conflicts in our institutions and communities.
- 6.Partnership with, UN Agencies and partners, Religious, Cultural, Political and state
in promoting development among the youth in our families, communities and institutions.
- 7.Educate our people on non-violence through programs in schools, Churches, Mosques, and Markets etc.
- 8.Use our social media platforms to promote non violence as a way of peaceful co-existence.
- 9.Continue to promote economic empowerment of families through the youth.
- 10.Engage in dialogue and just treatment to people who are affected by injustice for example innocent students during strikes in institutions
- 11.Practice exemplary leadership in our region.
- 12.Active peace mentor groups in all institutions
- 13.Pray consistently for peace in our families, region, country and the whole world.
1.We are all the same people
2.All of us are on a Journey
3.A journey with a Mission
4.And our Mission is Peace