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Rt.Rev.Sabino Ocan Odoki Pastoral Peace Visit to Imvepi Refugee Settlement.

Rt.Rev.Sabino Ocan Odoki Pastoral Peace Visit to Imvepi Refugee Settlement.

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Imvepi Refugee Settlement located in Terego District on 9 July 2024 hosted a "pastoral peace visit" by Rt. Rev. Sabino Ocan Odoki, Bishop Ordinary of Arua Catholic Diocese. The event commenced with the Holy Sacrament of the Mass and saw participation from religious leaders from the Anglican and Muslim community , government officials, UNHCR representatives and partners, refugees and the host community.

Bishop Sabino who was the main celebrant at the celebration expressed gratitude to John Paul II Justice and Peace Centre for organizing the event, underscoring its importance as a pastoral mission to share God's message of peace while urging refugees to seek peace through faith. In his address the Bishop emphasized that true peace is a divine gift that must be received and lived by example. He praised the collaborative spirit among religious leaders from different denominations, working together to serve the West Nile region, and encouraged refugees to emulate this unity.

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He assured the refugees of the Church's continued support and commended Uganda' refugee-friendly policies, which allow refugees more freedom and opportunities compared to other countries. The Bishop thanked the local government leaders, UNHCR, and other partners for their efforts in maintaining peace and harmony between refugees and the host community. He emphasized the importance of youth maintaining their health and education, urging them to use available services to grow strong and resilient. He also underscored the Church's commitment to welcoming, integrating, and developing refugees, following the principles laid out by the Holy Father Pope Francis calling upon for continuous prayers, advocacy, and practical support to help refugees rebuild their lives and look forward to a peaceful future.

Imvepi refugee settlement was established in February 2017 to accommodate South Sudanese asylum seekers fleeing the War at their country of origin, after the Palorinya refugee settlement in Moyo District quickly reached its full capacity and could not receive more immigrants because the influx needed an increase in the space provided and Imvepi refugee settlement was just the right option. It is located in Terego District, Odupi Sub County, Terego county in Uganda. Itis divided into three zones, 3 in the West, zone 2 in the Central and zone 1 in the East of which zone 1 has 12 villages, zone 2 has 20 villages, zone 3 has 8 villages and zone 4 has 7 villages.

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