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Greater West Nile Youth Rising Against All Odds with Faith and Action for a Better Future

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Capacity building of Youth Leaders organized by Greater West Nile Youth Forum .(GWNYF)

Theme: Greater West Nile Youth rising against all odds with faith and action for a better future.
Patron GWNYF: Rt. Rev. Sabino Ocan Odoki, Bishop of Arua Diocese

Guest of Honor: Mr. Sakari Pax, Managing Director Rural Initiative for Community Empowerment- West Nile (RICE-WN). Today, 15th February 2021, marks the first youth training of the Greater West Nile Youths Forum (GWNYF) at Christus Center in Arua under the theme; Youth rising against all odds with faith and action to have a better future.

Mrs. Badaru Gertrude underscored mindset transformation as a strategy for Rural Development and Transformation for eradicating Poverty and enhancing Health and Development among the youth. She urged youth leaders to open their minds and desist from negative attitude and embrace the spirit of hard work.

She additionally, reminded youth groups to take advantage of the GWNYF that has come to provide guidance on youth livelihood. Guest speakers who complemented the event included Mr. Sakari Pax, Managing Director RICE_WN, Arua Diocese Youth Chaplain Rev. Fr. Yandu Kizito and Manager Centenary Bank, Arua branch.

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The training was graced by the Rt. Rev. Sabino Ocan Odoki, Bishop of Arua Diocese and Patron of the GWNYF, District Muslim Secretary-Arua community, DPC Arua City, representatives from Non-Governmental Organizations (UNHCR, GIZ), CBO's, private sector, and over One Hundred (100) youth representatives.

The Bishop counselled the youth to work as if everything depends on them, to learn from each other, to change their lifestyles to enable them take up responsibilities that make their lives better. Adding that youth should act as agents of change in their communities.

Bishop Sabino appealed to the youth to form productive groups and register them with the Forum that is waiting with open arms to give necessary support to their ideas and activities. "Our doors are open to support and guide you." said Bishop Sabino.

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