Arua Diocese Welcomes Four New Deacons in a Ordination Joyous Ceremony
Bishop Sabino Ocan Odoki ordained four seminarians to the diaconate. The newly ordained deacons include:
- Sem. John Edema from Lodonga Minor Basilica,
- Bro. Mark Akawu Ocholi, FLP, from Omugo Parish,
- Sem. Charles Mugonza from Kabuwoko Parish in Masaka Diocese,
- and Sem. Walter Amagule from Oriajini Parish.
In his homily, Bishop Sabino conveyed gratitude to God for the gift of the four deacons, pointing out the rich
blessings that continue to be bestowed upon Arua Diocese. "Arua is a blessed diocese with over 2.5 million
Catholics-the largest in Uganda," he said. "We are also fortunate to have not fewer than 300 religious sisters
and around 200 Catholic priests serving our diocese. Let us count our blessings and give thanks to God for this
abundant harvest of vocations."
The bishop expressed sincere gratitude to the clergy, Christians, and parents of the ordained for their crucial
support of the seminarians, as well as to the formation houses and sponsors for their dedication in preparing the
candidates for their new roles in the Church.
Bishop Odoki reminded the ordinands of their sacred calling as deacons, urging them to grasp its true meaning before
beginning their service. He emphasized that, like Christ, who humbled Himself as a servant, deacons are called to
serve with humility, not self-exaltation, reflecting the Greek origin of "diakonos," meaning "servant" or "minister."
He urged the deacons to embody a spirit of humble service, drawing parallels between their role and the responsibilities
of the sons of Aaron and the Levites in the Old Testament. And to follow Philip's example of selfless service, driven by
love and humility emphasizing that their mission should be to share Christ's love with dedication.